Use Cases

Use Cases

PC Slowness


A Slow PC causing tasks and application to take a long time to work.


Automatic process that logs into the PC, activate troubleshooting and inform the user.


Matter of minutes fix. Keeping cost to a minimal and work place productivity is strong.

The Process

A user is having a slow PC. He logged in to his MS Teams and raise an incident request using Human-X Bot.

AI NLP engine analyzes the user request and deduces that it is a PC slowness incident. It triggers an automation process to troubleshoot PC slowness.

The first step in the troubleshooting process is to get the corporate PC name from AD.

Remote connection to the effected PC is established and a Powershell troubleshooting script is launched to identify the issue and resolve it.

The result of the troubleshooting is sent back to the user through the same channel

The result of the troubleshooting is sent back to the user through the same channel

Unlock User Password


Locked Passwords take a good amount of time for a reset.


A simple flow that picks up the issue. gets authentication and reset matter of minutes.


Employees wont’s have to wait for a day or two tp get their password reset.

The Process

A user sends an unlock password request from Slack

AI NLP engine analyzes the user request and deduces that it is a request to unlock password

The user gets a notification for a 2 factor authentication process

with 2 factor authentication complete the password is reset

The user is notified that the reset is succesfull

Change of Address


A simple change to user information that takes time to be done


A simple automation follow that takes the request and updates the account in mere seconds


Request done in mere seconds

The Process

User sends a request to change his address

AI model access the CRM and validities the user credentials

The CRM is updated with the new address

User gets a notification message informing him of the change to the address.

Claims Processing

The Problem

Time consuming task and prone to human error


An AI model that detects, analyze and finalize the claim in a matter of minutes


No errors and claims get finalized in a matter of minutes

The Process

User sends their claim via mail

AI Models picks up the request and analysis it and determine it is a claims request

a request is sent to check the CRM for the user credentinals

Claims Agent is notified and checks the claim and either approve it or reject it

user is notified regarding their claims request via mail